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About Us - Ingenious Storage and Containers

Ingenious Storage and Containers was born out of necessity and also respect for a great product.  The Ingenious containers we sell are stackable, collapsible and adaptable. They are also modular: you can add doors where needed or bolt them together easily with extensions and enlarge them.  There are also a wide range of accessories so you can customize your storage container to match your needs.

Ingenious Storage and Containers Yard in Napanee

We sell a number of products online and have used numerous versions of storage lockers, lock-ups, warehouses and fulfillment houses.  These methods have proven expensive and never quite really hit the mark.  Warehouse space is expensive and we have never been able to lease a large enough building within the budget ...... until now.

Learn more about our location in Napanee

One thing that our warehouse spaces have had in common is that there has always been at least a small amount of outdoor space and we saw an opportunity and started buying containers.  Mostly sea cans or commercial shipping containers but there are some drawbacks and limitations.  Have you ever tried to move a rusty 10,000 lb sea container?

Then we came across a product that simply solved our issues.  Containers you can join together, customize, dismantle and move with a pickup.  Containers we can handle easily.  We can stack them high, expand them and add bins and shelves.  We never looked back and now they are available for you.

Checkout our Economy and Modular Warehouse storage systems in our Napanee yard.  You are welcome to visit Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm and sometimes on Saturday by appointment.  In our yard we also have a number of modified containers as well as our current works in progress.  If you're interested in modified shipping containers you can see a number of different insulation methods as well as door and window conversions and a completely insulated office container.

Ingenious Storage and Containers Yard in Napanee

Our yard in Napanee is usually pretty busy with containers coming and going.

Shipping container pickup from our Napanee container yard

But we welcome your visit!
