Toronto’s First Shipping Container Vendors Market
Posted by Ingenious Storage on
Repurposed Shipping containers proved to be ideal building blocks for Toronto's first shipping container retail vending area. Market 707 in the Kensington Market area of downtown Toronto is more than just shopping. Market 707 is a project to provide opportunities for low-income aspiring entrepreneurs, providing access to the capital and space necessary to start a business. Market 707 is encouaging creativity and building meaningful partnerships, whilst creating quick and affordable vending spaces, which ultimately allow low-income entrepreneurs to flourish. A very cool idea.
Market 707 - Toronto's first shipping container vendor's market
The project utilizes shipping containers in the Kensington Market location because of the speed and ease of setting up, adaptability and the low acquisition cost of shipping containers. The idea came from an overseas trip to Africa where shipping containers are widely used for street markets.
The Market 707 is one project from Business out of the Box, a social enterprise transforming underutilized spaces into vibrant, lucrative and inclusive street markets that are opportunities for small business.
Shipping container micro stores provide a perfect low cost opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to break into street vending.